Saturday, February 18, 2017

Assembly Code to Solve the Equation 3A+B-2C.

1. Assembly Code to Solve the Equation 3A+B-2C.

 org 100h 


main proc

; input 1

mov ah, 01h  ; Input A
int 21h 

mov bl, al   ; move A to bl register

add bl, al   ; 2A
add bl, al   ; 3A
; input 2 

mov ah, 01h   ; Input B
int 21h
mov cl, al    ; move B to cl register

add bl, cl    ; 3A+B

; input 3

mov ah, 01h    ; Input C
int 21h
mov cl, al     ; move C to cl register

add cl, al     ; 2C
sub bl, cl     ; 3A+B-2C

; new line

mov ah, 02h
mov dl, 0Ah    ; line feed
int 21h
mov dl ,0Dh    ; Carriage return
int 21h 

; Output 

sub bl, 30h    ;convert to real number entered 
mov dl ,bl  
int 21h
main endp


  1. Hey Guys, if you want to utilize this converter then you can easily convert your one file to other files;

    Unique Converter

  2. That converter will convert your Mov file to other formats like these;

    Wmv to Mp3

    M2ts to Mp4

    Flac to Wav

    3gp to Mp3

    Avi to Mov


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