Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Addition of Two Numbers Using Procedure Call in 8086 Assembly Language

.model small
main proc
    mov ah, 01h
    int 21h
    mov bl, al
    mov ah, 01h
    int 21h
    mov cl, al
    call addition
    call output
    main endp
addition proc
    add bl, cl
    sub bl, 30h
    mov dl, bl
addition endp
output proc
    mov ah, 02h
    int 21h
    output endp
end main

8086 Stack Excercise

1. Suppose that AX=1234h ,BX=5678h, CX=9ABCh, and SP=0100h . Give the contents of AX,BX, CX, and SP after executing the following instructions:

    PUSH AX     
    PUSH BX     
    XCHG AX,CX  
    POP  CX     
    PUSH AX     
    POP  BX  


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Reverse String Using Stack in Assembly 8086

 .model small
 .stack 100h
 main proc
    mov cx,0
         mov ah,01h
         int 21h
         mov bl,al
         cmp bl, 0Dh
         je output
         push bx
         inc cx
         jmp pushin 
     mov ah,02h
     mov dl,0Dh
     int 21h
     mov dl, 0ah
     int 21h
     pop dx
     int 21h
     loop popout
  main endp
 end main


How to Write Summary of a Research Paper

Paper Summary should contain the following points: What problem author’s solved? What are the motivations for that problem? Why is it import...