Saturday, September 23, 2017

Scenario to Entity Relational Diagram

Bangladesh is bestowed by spectacular Natural Beauties. We can see the glimpse of natural beauties through our numerous tourist spot. Tourist spots which are at country side rather than close to city are aesthetically more beautiful. Simple inhabitants, beautiful landscapes, serenity are some of remarkable features of these places. We can differentiate tourist spots by their names. Visiting country side spots are less costly than city side’s spots. You can visit these spots by your own arrangements or by different travel agencies. Agencies are uniquely identified by their agency id. Each travel agencies normally operates on a particular region. These regions normally comprises of several tourist spots within short radius. That’s why travel with these agencies are very helpful. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) is trying to improve the ambience of these spots and also takes steps to promulgate these spots not only towards local tourists but also foreign tourists. Tourists travel different tourist’s spots and they are identified by their passport number.

Friday, February 24, 2017


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Assembly Program to Check Input is Digit , Capital letter or Others.

 org 100h
msg1 db 'capital$'
msg2 db 'digital$'
msg3 db 'others$'


main proc


mov ah, 01h
int 21h

mov bl, al   ; move A to bl register

cmp bl, 30h  ; compare bl with ascii value of 01
jge print    ; if greater or equal jump to label print

print:       ; label print

cmp bl, 39h  ; compare bl with ascii value of 09
jle print1   ; if less or equal jump to label print1
jg end       ; if greater or equal jump to label print

; new line

mov ah, 02h    ; character output function
mov dl, 0Ah    ; line feed
int 21h        ; dos interrupt
mov dl ,0Dh    ; Carriage return
int 21h        ; dos interrupt
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, msg2
int 21h


cmp bl, 41h
jge print2

cmp bl, 5Ah
jle print3
jge end1

mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, msg1
int 21h

mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, msg3
int 21h

main endp

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Assembly Program for Addition two numbers. Number Between 0-9.

  • Assembly Code for Addition  of 1 digit number(0-9).

org 100h

; Addition  of 1 digit

; input 1

mov ah, 01h  ; first character input function
int 21h

mov bl, al   ; move the content of al (1st number) to bl register 

; new line

mov ah, 02h  ; character ouput function
mov dl, 0Ah  ; line feed
int 21h
mov dl, 0Dh  ; carriage return
int 21h

; Input 2

mov ah, 01h   ; second character input function
int 21h
mov cl, al    ; move the content of al (2nd number) to cl register
add bl, cl    ; addition of two numbers 

; Newline

mov ah, 02h  ; character ouput function
mov dl, 0Ah  ; line feed
int 21h
mov dl, 0Dh  ; carriage return
int 21h

; Output

sub bl, 30h  ; convert to real number entered
mov dl, bl   ; move the content of bl (2nd number) to dl register
int 21h  



Assembly Code to Solve the Equation 3A+B-2C.

1. Assembly Code to Solve the Equation 3A+B-2C.

 org 100h 


main proc

; input 1

mov ah, 01h  ; Input A
int 21h 

mov bl, al   ; move A to bl register

add bl, al   ; 2A
add bl, al   ; 3A
; input 2 

mov ah, 01h   ; Input B
int 21h
mov cl, al    ; move B to cl register

add bl, cl    ; 3A+B

; input 3

mov ah, 01h    ; Input C
int 21h
mov cl, al     ; move C to cl register

add cl, al     ; 2C
sub bl, cl     ; 3A+B-2C

; new line

mov ah, 02h
mov dl, 0Ah    ; line feed
int 21h
mov dl ,0Dh    ; Carriage return
int 21h 

; Output 

sub bl, 30h    ;convert to real number entered 
mov dl ,bl  
int 21h
main endp

How to Write Summary of a Research Paper

Paper Summary should contain the following points: What problem author’s solved? What are the motivations for that problem? Why is it import...